We believe we can provide you a very competitive renewal quote. Safety Group 430 is able to provide up to a 25% upfront advanced discount, and in some cases depending on underwriting approval by the New York State Insurance Fund, (NYSIF), that discount that could increase upwards of 10 additional points as “new business” for the initial policy year depending on NYSIF underwriting guidelines and approval.
The following The following is the list of data and information NYSIF will need to review:
• Job Class Codes allocated by payroll,
• Renewing Experience Mod from NYCIRB, or NCCI,
• 3-5 Years of Loss Runs,
• 3-5 Years of premium audits/premium history,
• List of all related entities/locations and FEINs to be included on the policy, and
• All active/inactive principals involved with the dealership(s).
We look forward to you becoming part of this successful dealer’s program, so you can stop “going it alone”. You will be in a safe harbor as a member of the Safety Group 430!