Gold Club


Legislative Priorities

NYSADA’s  GOLD CLUB membership elevates the profile of new vehicle franchised dealers, and promotes franchised dealers interests in New York State’s Capitol. Gold Club participation enables NYSADA members to meet with statewide and legislative leaders to discuss issues of import, and challenges faced by the industry. During these informal settings, policy makers have an opportunity to glean a greater understanding of the current dynamic in the industry, cementing NYSADA’s role as a subject matter and industry expert. At this writing, included in the year’s roster of meetings, Gold Club members had positive exchanges with State Attorney General Letitia James, Deputy Majority Leader Michael Gianaris and recently, with Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie. Many Gold Club members also met individually with members of the New York State Senate and Assembly throughout the State. The interaction Gold Club members have with State leaders is invaluable in assuring that those leaders have a solid understanding of the industry.

The 2023 session continued to present challenges for NYSADA, and we anticipate those challenges will persist in the 2024 session. The franchise model remains under attack, as Tesla, joined by Lucid and Rivian, continue their march into NYS to push for the direct sale of newvehicles outside of the franchise system. The established manufacturers continue to advance alternatives in their drive for direct sales. And, the issue of regulating brokers still needs to be addressed, which we will take up in the New Year.

All of these challenges underscore the importance of the Gold Club. Gold Club members have an annual $300 allotment, giving them the opportunity to attend an event for their local Senator or Assembly Member. This may include hosting an event at your dealership to have your legislator tour your business. This may be the only opportunity for a face-to-face interaction during the year. Getting this facetime is impactful.

In Albany, NYSADA must affirmatively advocate for legislation that addresses the needs of dealers and defend against legislation that would negatively affect its members. NYSADA must be constantly vigilant to the attacks on new car and truck dealers that arise every legislative session. In 2024, as in past years, NYSADA will carefully monitor and review each bill introduction and voice support or opposition to ensure the continued viability of our franchised dealers.

In addition to NYSADA’s ongoing lobbying efforts in the Senate and Assembly, NYSADA advocates for dealer interests with state agencies, including the Departments of Motor Vehicles, Taxation, Transportation, Financial Services, Labor, Environmental Conservation and the Office of the Attorney General. Whether the issue is assuring fair compensation for dealers, balance in the franchise relationship, or the prevention of unwarranted interference in the sales process, NYSADA is at the forefront representing dealers’ interest. Our office location, across from the Capitol Building allows us to be nimble in our advocacy efforts, ready to engage members at a moment’s notice, due to our close proximity to the policy makers in government.


In order to have an impact on the legislative process and the passage of legislation which is important to the viability and indeed, survival of our business, we must be unified and dedicated in both areas.

Historically, our PAC contributions have gotten us recognition from and access to legislators and regulators in New York. Your significant response to our requests for letters, calls, emails and faxes to your Senator or Assembly member, or occasionally the Governor, have made us a huge factor in the Capital.

Now we are asking you to help us do more to protect and preserve our franchises and our investment. The NYPAC Gold Club enables us to host several separate legislative events during the year providing our NYSADA team the opportunity to get to know and interact with our legislators.

Please complete and return this NYSADA PAC Commitment Form. Your help with the PAC campaign is needed and appreciated.