For 100 years, NYSADA has been the collective voice of New York's Franchised Dealers. From Strengthening our state's franchise laws to the successful blocking of many bills harmful to dealers. NYSADA has a long record of advocating for the interests of it's members with the state's leaders. Dealers who join our association have the opportunity to utilize numerous membership programs tailored to dealers and their dealerships including our Duplicate Title / Registration Service, Worker's Compensation program, Group Insurance Trust, SYNADS products and services, e-learning webinars, and our surety bond program. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (518) 463-1148.
Economic Impact Survey NYSADA is asking dealers to please fill out the Economic Impact Survey which is included in this newsletter. The results from this survey help us demonstrate to our legislators how vital our industry is to the economy of New York State. NYSADA uses this information to show legislators the economic strength of franchised dealers across the state.
Help save lives by enrolling today in the NYS Donate Life Registry. Anyone 16 years or older can register to be an organ donor. Learn More
The Excelsior Automotive Technician Task Force was formed to address the severe shortage of auto technicians and to provide career opportunities for NYers. Learn More
Looking for electric vehicle rebates and infrastructure funding? Visit our electronicvehicle resource page on the latest resources for dealerships. Learn More
What are the benefits of having franchised dealers? Learn how Franchised dealers protect the consumer and are beneficial to the community. Learn More
NYSADA's News archive. Looking for an article you read awhile ago, or for information on a topic, you'll find it here. Learn More
NYSADA hosts webinars and seminars specifically designed to address the unique business environment of automotive retailing. Learn More
SNYADS Services can provide automotive supplies, forms, custom items and more to dealers at a low cost. Call 1.518.463.1148 ext. 300 Learn More
NYSADA is excited to announce that discounted NY Yankee tickets are available to members. Use Promo Code NYSADA Purchase Tickets
Securing Your Dealership: Avoiding the Sticker Shock of a Cyberattack (10:00AM-11:00AM) Presented by Citrin Cooperman
The Silent Equity Partner You Never Knew You Had (10:00-11:00 AM) Presented by Merchant Advocate
NY Workplace Violence Laws: Key Insights for Auto Dealers (2:00PM-3:00PM) Presented by: KPA